

Bäckerei Schollin GmbH & Co KG


Website, printing material

Regional Backery with 55 SHops

The family business was founded in the year 1853. Today the company runs 55 shops in the region of North Rhine Westfalia with more than 500 employees. Although production of the products is modern thesedays the traditional roots are still very important. Newertheless modern communication channels are vitally important for the markting campaings of the company. 

TODOSmedia developped the CI of the company, different websites for the business units, printing materials, signing, product presnetations, sorcial media support, advertising materials and much more.   

Corportae Website

Website with various features as e.g.  promotion areas, product presentation database (filter options), shopfinder, integrated job portal,  client card and special events subsciption

PRINT MAterial

Numerous items: business cards, calendars, flyers, posters, beachflags, banners, roll-ups, billboards etc. 

Stady Growth of Activities and Customers

Through the years of our cooperation Schollin realized an impressive growth in outlets, customers and turnover. 

Different Shop concepts


Design and printing of labels, stickers and all sorts of packaging 

Design of Headquarters

The headquarters of Schollin moved into the space of a former car sales agend. We branded the building and the surrounding area with logo’s,flags and billboards. The grain storage was branded with a big size print to
create a billboard effect.

Also we debranded some shops which were  taken over from other retailers.